The Partnership between Divya Shanthi Christian Association & Trust and St Nicholas Church, Oxford, UK began in 2000 with a visit of church members Peter & Hazel Sargent. Rev Vinay Samuel and Colleen founders & Directors of Divya Shanthi are members of St Nicholas Church Oxford since 1996. Colleen and Hazel were members of the same Bible study group; Hazel & Peter became keen to visit Divya Shanthi. After seeing the various ministries of Divya Shanthi they were inspired to return to St Nicholas and with other interested church members to form the Divya Shanthi Mission Support Organisation (DSMSO) in 1999 The needs of the children and their families were the first programme they supported through sponsoring children at risk. Several church members joined the programme. 36 Children are now supported by them. Several children were able to complete their school & University education. Several have jobs by which they can support their families and extended families. All the children were encouraged to build a close & personal link directly with the sponsor so that they could pray for each other. The St Nicholas Baby Home stands as a monument for their care and concern for abandoned babies, very sick children, children of single parents and others at high risk. The relationship between St Nicholas Church in Oxford UK, the Divya Shanthi Church and the Association has grown deeper and closer over the years. Orders of worship, creative ideas, Prayers, Ministry amongst the community are exchanged regularly. This relationship has been further strengthened by the visit of Priests - Rev Tony & Rev Dr.Allison Price. Dr & Mrs. Geoff Hale and their family active leaders in St Nicholas Church visited Divya Shanthi and are in regular contact with the ministry here. We look forward to the visit of Rev Skye and Mr. Joel Deno this week. Rev Skye took over as Priest in Charge of St Nicholas Church two years ago.We look forward to a time of further deepening the relationship between Oxford and Bangalore, particularly, through the exchange of ideas, skills and resources. Please pray for their visit that God's purpose in bringing them to us maybe fulfilled.